
Unlike traditional partial deduction, which considers only atoms for partial deduction, conjunctive partial deduction attempts to specialize entire conjunctions of atoms.

If the knowledge base represents statements in some firstorder logic, then dialogue theory for design is simply a theorem prover for deduction in that logic.


In this natural deduction reading, is considered an elimination and thus written postfix.

Consequently, dialogue theory for design must be equipped with decision procedures based on rules that allow new assertions and invalidate old deductions.

For instance, while classical partial deduction with (almost) determinate unfolding performs badly on highly nondeterministic programs, this is no longer true for conjunctive partial deduction.

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The proof makes use of some properties of deductions that allows us to construct new deductions from existing ones.

This is easily verified because the statement holds for the equations in the aforementioned table, and is preserved by the rules of equational deduction.

This survey and tutorial presents the main developments in controlling partial deduction over the past 10 years and analyses their respective merits and shortcomings.

In deduction modulo, the notions of language, term and proposition are that of many-sorted first-order logic.

Obviously, not all graphs are deductions graphs: we have to impose some restrictions.

These deductions will greatly simplify the procedure of accuracy evaluation in terms of computational time.

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Consumers are induced to always ask for these receipts, as they are necessary for tax deductions, and even to enter contests.

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The principal kind of normalisation step on natural deductions is a reduction.

The natural deduction style follows the same “typical application” idea, but with variables as the placeholders.

These anomalies however, affect neither the deductions we make about usability, nor the fundamental properties of the algorithms found in the preceding section.

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. [external_footer]

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