Поле чудес. Москва. Выпуск от 12.03.2021 | Website offers tips

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Поле чудес. Москва. Выпуск от 12.03.2021 | Website share Tutorials.

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Image related to subject Поле чудес. Москва. Выпуск от 12.03.2021

Поле чудес. Москва. Выпуск от 12.03.2021
Поле чудес. Москва. Выпуск от 12.03.2021

Information related to the subject Поле чудес. Москва. Выпуск от 12.03.2021.

Nine players from different cities and villages of Russia gather at the drum in the studio of the “Field of Miracles” program, in order to break into threes and guess the words that the presenter has encrypted for them on the scoreboard. The winners of each of the game trios meet in the final, where the person who wins the main prize is determined. The game is played for points, so at the end of the program, the winner can choose the number of prizes in accordance with the number of points scored. The program also provides for a super game, to which the winner of the program is free to agree or disagree. In case of his consent, the presenter encrypts three words on the scoreboard, which must be guessed after a minute, which is given to the player to think. If a player guesses one word horizontally on the scoreboard, he wins a super prize. If the player manages to name all three words after a minute of deliberation, the “Field of Miracles” program hands him a car. The theme of the game is “Moscow”. ….

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Image related to subject Поле чудес. Москва. Выпуск от 12.03.2021

Поле чудес. Москва. Выпуск от 12.03.2021
Поле чудес. Москва. Выпуск от 12.03.2021

Information related to the subject Поле чудес. Москва. Выпуск от 12.03.2021.

Nine players from different cities and villages of Russia gather at the drum in the studio of the “Field of Miracles” program, in order to break into threes and guess the words that the presenter has encrypted for them on the scoreboard. The winners of each of the game trios meet in the final, where the person who wins the main prize is determined. The game is played for points, so at the end of the program, the winner can choose the number of prizes in accordance with the number of points scored. The program also provides for a super game, to which the winner of the program is free to agree or disagree. In case of his consent, the presenter encrypts three words on the scoreboard, which must be guessed after a minute, which is given to the player to think. If a player guesses one word horizontally on the scoreboard, he wins a super prize. If the player manages to name all three words after a minute of deliberation, the “Field of Miracles” program hands him a car. The theme of the game is “Moscow”. ….

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