[15초뉴스] 갑자기 나타난 '카니발 차량', 큰 사고 막았다! / YTN | Website information tips

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Image related to subject [15초뉴스] 갑자기 나타난 '카니발 차량', 큰 사고 막았다! / YTN

[15초뉴스] 갑자기 나타난 '카니발 차량', 큰 사고 막았다! / YTN
[15초뉴스] 갑자기 나타난 '카니발 차량', 큰 사고 막았다! / YTN

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At rush hour, a van stopped in the middle of the street and suddenly flees while police officers look at it! At that time, the van driver stopped at the end of the carnival crash that suddenly appeared. The van driver is intoxicated at the level of license cancellation. If the carnival is not blocked, it will almost lead to a major accident. YouTube Channel Subscription: ⓒ YTN & YTN plus Unauthorized reproduction and redistribution prohibited..

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Image related to subject [15초뉴스] 갑자기 나타난 '카니발 차량', 큰 사고 막았다! / YTN

[15초뉴스] 갑자기 나타난 '카니발 차량', 큰 사고 막았다! / YTN
[15초뉴스] 갑자기 나타난 '카니발 차량', 큰 사고 막았다! / YTN

Information related to the subject  .

At rush hour, a van stopped in the middle of the street and suddenly flees while police officers look at it! At that time, the van driver stopped at the end of the carnival crash that suddenly appeared. The van driver is intoxicated at the level of license cancellation. If the carnival is not blocked, it will almost lead to a major accident. YouTube Channel Subscription: ⓒ YTN & YTN plus Unauthorized reproduction and redistribution prohibited..

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