roll call

The roll call of near-misses and abjurations is striking.

Another option would be to compare how the party and ideological models compare at the individual-level on each roll call.


Another option is to compare how the party and ideological models compare in explaining individual-level vote choices on each roll call.

The contributors read like a roll call of the international great and good in ageing, and they have written their short chapters clearly.

Apart from the melancholy discovery that 40 per cent of them are now dead, the roll call is striking.

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Because the overall number of such votes was relatively small, however, senators had little opportunity to use roll call votes to forge an individual identity.

There are no roll call votes and no record is kept of the votes of an individual legislator.

It is reasonable to assume that cases decided by roll call will be more conflictual in nature, revealing differences that cannot be easily dismissed.

The names are a roll call of the major sporting and cultural events in the summer calendar of the rich.

However, many legislatures only conclude a minority of decisions by roll call.

Why might the selection of votes for roll call be non-random?

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Less than a third of all votes are by roll call.

There was a register that was marked every day and a roll call done twice a day during the morning and evening.

Strong correlations between roll call voting patterns for policy pairs are a preliminary indicator that a logroll may have occurred.

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To do so, we order the members according to the percentage of liberal votes they had cast up to the time of the actual roll call being examined.

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