
I hope my statement has clarified the position on masthead programming.

Currently, masthead programming is not permitted.


Sailing vessels may fly the burgee from the main masthead or from a lanyard under the starboard spreader on the mast.



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The sky blue color in the masthead and as a background shade in articles will capture the essence of the opportunities.



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The masthead font has been unchanged since 1975.



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Running backstays are found on both masthead rigs and fractional rigs.

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The masthead of current issues continues to list the publication serials of both titles individually.



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The year on the masthead of the preserved publication is 1932.



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The masthead rig has larger and more headsails, and a smaller mainsail, compared to the fractional rig.

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In a cutter rig, the jib or jibs are flown from stays in front of the forestay, perhaps going from the masthead to a bowsprit.



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If two masthead lights are carried then the after one must be higher than the forward one.



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The radio set was damaged and the antenna on the masthead broke.



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Awards are also given out to members of the masthead at the end of the publishing year for excellence in various categories.



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The redesign’s features included more color pages and photographs, full-page photo section covers, a new masthead logo, and different page numbering from the previous design.



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The halliard was rove through an iron ring near the masthead, hoisting a small lug sail, and this was controlled by a sheet and tack.

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