
the part of a person’s mind that stops them from doing or saying things that they want to do or say, if those things would be unsuitable

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 censor yourself

to stop yourself from doing or saying things that you want to do or say, but that you know would be unsuitable

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(Definition of censor from the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)

Translations of censor

in Chinese (Traditional)

(書籍、電影等的)審查員,審查官, (尤指戰時或監獄中私人書信的)檢查員, 審查(對書、電影等進行刪改,以篩除當中冒犯粗劣的內容,也指對戰時或監獄中所寫的私人書信的檢查,刪除其中不當的部分)…

in Chinese (Simplified)

(书籍、电影等的)审查员,审查官, (尤指战时或监狱中私人书信的)检查员, 审查(对书,电影等进行删改,以筛除当中冒犯粗劣的内容,也指对战时或监狱中私人书信的检查,删除其中不当的部分)…

in Spanish

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censor, -ora, censurar…

in Portuguese

censor, -ora, censurar…

in more languages

in Japanese

in Turkish

in French

in Catalan

in Arabic

in Czech

in Danish

in Indonesian

in Thai

in Vietnamese

in Polish

in Malay

in German

[external_link offset=2]

in Norwegian

in Korean

in Italian

in Russian

(映画、出版物などの)検閲官, (映画、出版物など)を検閲する…

sansürlemek, sansür etmek/uygulamak…

censurer, censeur [masculine], censeur/-eure…

เจ้าหน้าที่ตรวจสอบภาพยนตร์, เจ้าหน้าที่ตรวจสอบเอกสาร, ตัดออกด้วยอำนาจของผู้ตรวจสอบ…

nhân viên kiểm duyệt, người kiểm duyệt, kiểm duyệt…

sensurere, sensor, inspektør…

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